Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Syrian Card - Middle East 2

Guardian: Reports that Syria has threatened to respond to yesterdays Israeli attack, the article notes the following, " Syria may respond to Israeli air strike, says ambassador ".

Lets Get Real:

One can see the Tehran Regime telling the President Assad that the only way that his regime can stay on is to attack Israel, this could cause divisions between the rebels, force those on the sidelines to support the Regime.  A regional war would be bloody, and would be a great for the Tehran Regime to get the West to focus on Syria while it develops the bomb.    A Israeli - Syrian War would force the Oval to support Israel, this would not go down well with extreme liberals, also it would dash any chance of talks between the US and Iran, Iran would say it would not talk while Israel was fighting Syria.  A WIN - WIN for Iran, no talks and it gets to increase it chances of getting the bomb.  Thus its in Western interest for the Assad Regime to fall quickly, the more there is a delay the more chance that Iran can play games.   Next few weeks could be very dangerous folks. 

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