Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ed Miliband Speech - Review

Guardian: The left wing Guardian speaks, the article states the following on the Miliband speech “… it still requires a generous leap of faith to conclude that …wary voters that they have got him wrong….”. The article gives Ed Miliband 5/10 for the speech, that’s being very generous, more like 4.5/10 and in need of a lot more work, Ed Miliband needs the presentation skills of Tony Blair. The mistake the Labour Party has made is to assume that Tony Blair was elected because of them, they are WRONG, the Labour Party got in to power because of Tony Blair, once he was gone, the lost the 2010 election. Lets be honest here folks, the Conference might boo the name of Tony Blair, but because Blair was seen as a small c Conservative the Party was allowed back in to power. Once Gordon Brown took over the game was over, the Conservatives might not have won a overall majority in 2010, but the Labour Party had its worse showing since the 1983 election. Also times change, by 2015 the economic polices of the Government might have worked, then Labour will really be finished. If I was Ed Milliband I would not count on being Labour Leader in 2015, if his polls don’t go up the Party will replace him, Labour does not want another 18 years of opposition.

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