Monday, March 01, 2010

Reconciliation - Health Care Reform

The Hill: Reports on the White House path to to health care reform after the Health Care Reform Summit at the White House, the article states the following, ".....Obama effectively endorsed the use of budget reconciliation rules to pass a final bill through the Senate on a simple-majority vote. ". Thus we come to the most simple route, that the House passes the Senate version of health care reform, then the Senate through reconciliation do the changes as demanded by the House. The problem is that there are not the votes in the House to pass the Senate version of health care reform, the blue dog Democrats would be throwing their political careers under the bus for the liberal leadership Congress. It was amusing to see that Speaker Pelosi expect moderate and conservative Democrats to throw their careers away while she is in a safe district, if she had offered to walk the blank first one would take notice of the Speaker. Thus time for House members to throw Pelosi under the bus as to allow themselves the chance to get re-elected.

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