Monday, February 08, 2010

The Obama Playbook on Health Care Reform

Politico: Reports that President Obama is to hold a open meeting with Republicans and Democrats on health care reform, the meeting will be on TV. This is an interesting move by POTUS, if he agrees to some of the Republican demands that is a new bill, the Republicans are not going allow health care reform on some vague promise of another Bill later, so either Obama wants a real deal or this a TV event to make him look good. This move could hurt the Democratic leadership and their own health care reform bill, if POTUS agrees to some of the Republican demands, such as a cap on phony legal claims and allowing people to buy health care insurance across states lines this would go along way to get Republican support, but its a new Bill, Obama does not have the political time to start the process anew, lets recall its the Mid Term Congressional Elections in November, thus this must be a TV event, he will say soothing words and then push the Democrats to push the Bill through, if that is the plan the Republicans will be in control of Congress after November.

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