Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Speech on Health Care Reform Tonight - President Obama

BBC News: Reports on President Obama's make or break speech on health care reform early Thursday morning UK time. It can be postulated from the leaks in Washington D.C and press reports that Obama is looking for a way out of the political mess that his Administration has created in August. In allowing the Congress to draft the Health Care Bill, Obama handed over his power to Liberal Leaders in Congress and in doing so scared the living daylights out of Blue Dog Democrats, Independents and Republicans. The Bill created by Liberals would have created a public option that would have covered all Americans, bought in rationing of care, prevented the folks from keeping the Doctor they want, told the Doctors how to treat their patients. Also would have created DEATH panels for the old and military veterans that would have told they to fall off their perch. The new compromise from the Senator Baucus would drop the public option, cut costs for health coverage, prevent the Insurance companies from not giving treatment to those with pre existing medical conditions, and place a penalty on those that refuse to take medical cover. Lets hope President Obama takes the moderate route tonight. It is right morally and politically.

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