Thursday, September 03, 2009

President Obama, Republicans vs Left Wing Liberals and Democrats = Afghanistan

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama might need Republicans carry on with his policy in Afghanistan, the NYT writes the following, " One danger for Mr. Obama is that he may be forced to abandon his own party on Afghanistan for the right....." Thus we come to the Health Reform Package, if Obama forces it down the throats of Congress the Republicans could walk away and leave Afghanistan to become Obama's War. The Liberal Left and Democrats are out of the door when it comes to Afghanistan, thus Obama might not have much choice but to go moderate on health care reform to keep Republicans on side for a tough year in Afghanistan if the President sends another forty five thousand troops in to Afghanistan. The Democrats have never really gotten over the Vietnam War and the destruction of the LBJ Presidency. Thus if President Obama cant count of Democrats when it comes to Afghanistan he might find himself in bed with Republicans, not something that he wants but in the harsh politics of Afghanistan it might be his only choice. That's the problem when you campaign with the slogan that Afghanistan is the Just War, the war that the USA has to fight, you are left holding a delinquent country called Afghanistan.

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