Fox News: Reports that an expected half million refuges are expected from the fighting between the Army of Pakistan and the Taliban/Terrorists. This is bad but who is going to check if the refuges are really refuges, what if the Taliban/Terrorists hide in with the innocent. Thus they could get out of the fighting and take the fight to other areas of Pakistan. Thus the refuges nightmare has two levels, they have to be feed and kept safe but also they have to be checked to see if there are any Taliban in their ranks. Also lets get to the political reality folks, what happens after the Presidents of Pakistan, Afghanistan and the USA meet in Washington D.C. Will the Army Pakistan carry on the fighting, can they hold the ground they take, is this Iraq all over again, Pakistan wins the ground but can not secure the land, they retreat and the Taliban come back and we here again in six months time. The Government and Army of Pakistan have to understand that India is not their main enemy, the enemy is within their own ranks. What is the ISI, Pakistan Intelligence Agency doing, is it sill supporting the Taliban or are they following the orders of the Government. This is not over folks.
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