Friday, December 26, 2008

World War One, July Days 1914 - India and Pakistan War 2008 ?

The New York Times: Reports on the growing tensions in the Capitals of India and Pakistan. In the summer days of 1914 while the British public enjoyed the holidays the tensions of July 1914 grew out of the death of the Heir to the Austro - Hungarian Throne, the Dual Monarch. It was seen as a distant event, how could such event effect Europe and the Empire. Of late we have had the terrorists attacks in Mumbai ( Bombay ) India, in 1914 Austria blamed Serbia with just cause, the Diplomats rushed around their Allies, after the terrorists attacks the USA sent missions to India and Pakistan as to calm the water. After the initial deaths of the Archduke and his Wife it was still seen as a distant event, we are now in the Christmas period in the West, in this 24 hour seven day news world, the worlds eyes moves to other events. Thus we have news that Pakistan is sending its troops from the border with Afghanistan to the border between India and Pakistan, we have tensions brewing, both are nuclear powers, in 1914 the Empires mobilized their troops for the railways, the locomotive engine would have a major effect on the Russian Revolution of 1917. Thus the question as in 1914 the Empires had to move to meet their train timetables for War, will Pakistan or India decide to use the bomb first, it worked in 1945 between USA and Japan and the end of World War Two. The Bush and Obama Administrations could be facing that clock moving to all out war between India and Pakistan, this could help the terrorists on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and hurt the West in Afghanistan. Are the July Days of 1914 repeating themselves in a distant land over the water.

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