The New York Times: As Richard Nixon found in 1968, a Presidential Campaign is different from running the Government. Nixon in 68 had promised to finish the War in Vietnam, it was stated in a BBC Documentary on Nixon that his supporters thought he was going to win in Vietnam, Nixon had seen what Vietnam had done to LBJ, he wanted out with honour, thus the 1973 Peace Agreement. Obama ran in 2008 on getting combat troops out of Iraq in sixteen months, Obama is now faced with his own reality, the Liberal Times writes the following, " ........Obama is making clearer than ever that tens of thousands of American troops will be left behind in Iraq, ...... " even if it was possible that the Pentagon can get the combat troops out on Obama's Time Table; any removal of troops has to be done in way that does not allow the terrorists to come back or help Iran. Iraq is close to have been won, Obama does not want to to change victory in to defeat. As stated before, if a Civil War was to develop in Iraq, this would help Iran, if Iran was to take over the Iraqi Oil Fields this could wreck the Obama Presidency. Also as stated before, due to the economic 9/11 the USA and UK have to get out of Iraq but it has to be done in a way that leaves Iraq with a strong government and military. The USA under Secretary Gates will remove troops from Iraq and place them in Afghanistan. Obama was right in a way, the War on Terror started in Afghanistan and it will finish in Afghanistan. Lets hope Afghanistan is not an endless WAR.
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