Monday, September 29, 2008

228 No - 205 Yes - Wall Street Bailout

Fox News: Reports on the final vote to bailout Wall Street. The House of Representatives can be proud of its vote today, yes the markets will sell off tomorrow, but that not the point, they will recover, this is not the 1930s, the Western System for its faults has the Welfare System, thus no soup kitchens, people will not starve, its better hard medicine now that long tough medicine for years, If the bailout had gone through the Western Economy would have become the sick man of the world, the reason, in the Western system you can get rich but also you can lose. If you remove the benefits of making money and that means risks, you have the Soviet Union. The good banks and companies will move on, this could be the start of a golden era in Western Europe. No more government action to prevent those that want to make money and make jobs, if we grasp this chance we might thank the credit crunch.

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