Saturday, August 16, 2008

Russia - Georgian War , END

The New York Times: Reports that Russia has signed off on the revised Ceasefire between it and Georgia. Lets be honest the Russians have made limited gains, they have gained two more provinces, but on the big board this was a bloody disaster, Poland has taken the Son of SDI, the Ukraine has placed limits on the use of Naval forces, also the the USA can argue that the West has to take the Ukraine in to NATO. Also if the USA and the West wants, Russia will be out of the G8. Any deals to allow Russia in to Western Trade are on long term ice. On the political domestic front in the USA, the War has helped McCain tie Obama in the polls. I think it could be argued that Moscow would prefer the weak Obama to McCain. And lets get back to Georgia, the USA and Western leaders have made the trip to Georgia, if Russia acts again it could be deeper in the freeze. The BBC might think Russia has won, well that's the feeling one gets with some of the coverage, but on the big board Russia has lost big time, this was 1968 but Russia lost the game.

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