Sunday, July 06, 2008

Obama and the 08 Race

The Sunday Times: Interesting article by Andrew Sullivan on how Obama has moved to the centre and how he can win in November. I think Mr Sullivan is rushing to judgement, this is July, Obama if you look at the respected polls is about four to five points a ahead of McCain. This if you look at past examples it is a low lead, Dukakis had a bigger lead in 1988. Also if you look at the CNN poll that I mentioned bellow, Obama is losing Clinton voters and the base is not happy that he had moved to the centre. This is early folks, one of the most effective aspects of the Clinton Campaign was that it bought Obama down to earth, they made look like any other politician. One can guess that when Obama comes to Europe before the election the left wing elite media will go mad for him, Obama should be careful, these same elites would have supported Carter, Mondale, Gore, Kerry. They all lost in the election, Europe is the old world when it comes to American politics. The race is not over yet, the Obama's should not get a new carpet for the Oval Office yet, its long time before November.

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