Thursday, July 17, 2008


Lets have a look at what the Elite Media is saying about Iraq and Obama.

New York Times: When the Liberal Times does not have an Agenda, it does good reporting, in this article it looks at how the people of Iraq view a Obam Administration and his policy towards Iraq. As Times supports Obama it finds on the whole the people it talked to are in support of Obama but for his policy on Iraq. The Times writes the following, " ..for many middle-class Iraqis, affection for Mr. Obama is tempered by worry that his proposal could lead to chaos in a nation already devastated by war. Many Iraqis also acknowledge that security gains in recent months were achieved partly by the buildup of American troops, which Mr. Obama opposed and his presumptive Republican opponent, Senator John McCain, supported. " The problem for Obama if he goes to Iraq and starts to say he has a Timetable no matter what, and that is not the view of the military or the Iraqi government, Obama can not be seen as soft on Iraq, in the real world you cant on the whole pick your wars ( yes Iraq was different, but getting in is different from getting out with honour ) Obama has to stand up to his left wing base or he will lose the election.

New York Post
: The Master of winning in politics, Dick Morris goes for the Achilles heel of the Obama Campaign, his pandering to the left wing of the Democratic Party. As has been pointed out on this blog and others and in this article by Morris, what happens if the troops are taken out by Obam and the Terrorists come back, back to square one, what about the influence of Iran. The success of the surge helped McCain win the nomination now its time to go after Obama, make him look like all the Democratic LOSERS, Carter Mondale, Gore, Kerry. This is the time for McCain to define Obama, after the Conventions Obama will have more money as he is taking private money while McCain is taking public money. If McCain does not define Obama as a weak liberal now then Obama will use his money to define McCain and win November.

New York Times
: The Liberal Times showing why the WP is a better paper if you want to understand the real world of National Security, just because Obama showed not backbone when he tried to refine his Iraq policy and moved back to the left the Times is all over him like a bad rash, and the Times is a bad rash for a Democratic Politician. Read and Wonder how a great Paper fell from the heights.

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