Thursday, July 03, 2008

Deaths in Afghanistan

The Times: Reports that in the past two months, the West has lost more troops in Afghanistan than in Iraq. Afghanistan was the base for those that attacked the USA on 9/11 and Pakistan was the base for those that attacked London on 7/7. The history of dealing with Afghanistan and Pakistan in the border areas is not good, even at the height of the British Empire both places had troubling hot spots. The policy makers need to come up with a new policy, the terrorists in Afghanistan have learned from their fellow terrorists in Iraq, they changed their tactics thus we have more bombs and suicide bombers. Is the West ready to make a thirty or forty year commitment to Afghanistan, I have my doubts, we need new ideas and policies we cant give up, what happened on 9/11 and 7/7 shows the failure not to take an interest in the area after forcing the USSR out in 1988. This is going to be a long and bloody war.

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