Friday, June 13, 2008

John McCain Town Hall Event

A very good Town Hall meeting by John McCain. The Senator was tough on Foreign Policy but moderate and reforming when it came to domestic issues. The Senator was good in pointing out that Obama had not visit Iraq in years, Obama has to be careful that he does not throw away his lead that he has received since becoming the nominee, in the RCP average of polls has Obama leading by 4.3%, lets have a look at the latest individual polls, the Hotline poll shows a close race, Obama 44, McCain 42%, thus you have an even race, lets have a look at the National Tracking Polls, Gallup has Obama leading by McCain by 6%, Obama 48%, McCain 42%. The margin of six percent is followed in two other polls, Rasmussen has Obama leading by 6%, while NBC/WSJ polls also had this margin of 6%. The general view is that Obama will lead over the next few months before the Conventions, lets see, he wont get the rock star treatment as he has had in the fight with Hillary Clinton, lets be honest the Elite Media didn't like the Clintons, its not that easy when it comes to John McCain. Over the years, the Elite Media has stressed how they wish the Republicans would follow the lead of McCain, well McCain is now leading, the Republican nominee in the West Wing was based on McCain. Over the next few weeks watch the polls, its going to get a lot closer, think 1960, 1968, 1976, 2000, 2004. The Country is split, we have a long road before November.

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