Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Friday Polls, 08 Race

Lets see its the end of the second week with Obama and McCain for the 08 Election. Lets have a look at the Polls.

Rasmussen: One of the closer polls, the race which was tight before is closer. In this poll Obama still leads but by a narrow margin of 3%. In a head to head match up, Obama 48% - McCain 45%. Although Obama has lead in all the match up polls since he won the nomination, it not by much, would not place on a bet for him to win just yet, miles to go before the Oval Office.

Fox News
: Reports that Obama is ahead by follows the trend from last week, in this Poll Obama is ahead by 4%, in the match up, Obama 45% - McCain 41%. In the poll a interesting find was that Obama/Clinton v McCain/Romney would win 48% - 41%.

The RCP Average of Polls has Obama ahead by 4.2%.

It could be argued that McCain is doing something right, he has kept the Obama lead down to single digits. Thus the move to the right when it comes to drilling seems to be working, needs to stress Drilling on the USA coast, with the cost of gas at 4 dollars and above the American people are not that green. Obama needs to create the impression that he is in the centre, his first ad was good but he needs to do something that will make Liberals unhappy, if he is seen as a Elite Liberal he will lose the election.

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