Monday, June 16, 2008

Bush, another Truman

The Times: Article on the legacy of the 43rd President of the United States of American. Truman like Bush was low in the polls, had scandals and a war with no quick fix, in this case Korea. Lets look from 2008, Truman is now considered great, but lets look at the pillars of the greatness, the ending of WW2 by the use of Atomic Power, the Policy of Containment via the USSR and winning a second term in 1948, Ronald Reagan introduced the President. Thus after 48 that we see things go down hill for Truman, political scandals and Korea. Bush 43 had to deal with 9/11, two wars Afghanistan and Iraq. In these two countries he has bought freedom, but the cost in military deaths is still going on, a war without end in Afghanistan. In Iraq we have seen the surge work, a low level of military deaths and the central government is working. Bush won a second term, it can be argued that Bush might not be a Reagan, few Presidents are, but close to Truman in many respects.

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