Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Obama Plan?

A interesting article in the Politico, it seems that Senator Obama wants to follow the Reagan method to winning the nomination of the Party. It should be noted that the Reagan victory in 1980 came off nearly winning the nomination in 1976 against a sitting President of the United States, President Ford. History can teach and create new ideas, change Ford to Clinton and then look at the possible development of a plan. Reagan lost early rounds but came back, when the press stated he should get out he stated to his staff he would fight in every state no matter if he won or loss. President Ford won the nomination but it was a marginal victory by a hundred votes or so, Reagan's campaign started from there and he won in 1980.

Senator Obama has to turn the 2008 race around and go back to the past, Clinton is Ford and Obama has to slog all the way, even with early defeats he has to fight all the states, the time is compressed this time but the Senator has a chance to pull off a victory.

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