Sunday, July 22, 2007

9/11 World

In my previous Blog I looked at the methods of Intelligence networks via the West and East. Here we come to the Post 9/11 World.

Al Qaeda is not a country it is a Terrorist cell or groups, thus all action is required to destroy them, No actions are beyond question; torture is out as it is not effective and not very Western; and all instruments of state should be used to destroy those that are a threat to Western Civilisation.

Here are some interesting articles on the CIA and Al Qaeda.

LA Times
: The LA Times reports that President George W. Bush has signed Executive Order " that clears the way for the CIA to resume some of the harsh interrogation methods it has used against terrorism " The article points out that what we in the West would describe as torture is out, on this VIEWS supports a banning of torture. There has to be a difference between the West and those Terrorist groups. On the other hand making life very difficult for those in detention is not a problem. Those on the left will never understand they are still in the pre 9/11 world.

Washington Post
: A very interesting article that looks at the history of Interrogation by the CIA and how over the years there have been calls for restraints how the Administration has reacted. A good and balance article worth a read.

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