Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rudy all the Way?

Saw Rudy Giuliani on Hannity and Colmes on Fox, Giuliani recalls Alan Alda from the last season of the West Wing, and Hillary Clinton is no Mat Santos. Giuliani is tough on Foreign Policy but a Social Liberal, a true classic Conservative. If both Giuliani and Clinton are the candidates who wins in New York, the Mayor of the World, or Hillary, I would go with Giuliani. Also this would place states that normally vote for the Democrats in to play, I wonder if the political minds behind Clinton have a worry that she could lose badly in a election if Giuliani is running, example, 1972 / 1984, would could argue it would be a new ball game, if the Conservative base can vote for him and he can get moderates and Liberals then Clinton has no chance, but we are long way to go yet. There are national polls already but VIEWS will not start to really read them till later in the year. A WEEK IS A LONG TIME IN POLITICS FOLKS.

Here is the Transcript of the talk on H&C on Fox.

Washington Post
on Giuliani in the Race for 2008

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