Sunday, February 18, 2007

Iran and The Washington Post

The Post argues that the Bush Administration should use diplomacy with Iran, " That, and not secret military plans, is the missing component of U.S. strategy right now. " but should diplomacy fail and the government in Iran not listen to the UN and the EU, then the President as Commander in Chief will have to take action, he cant wait for 100 Senators who want to be President and over 230 Democrats who have never gotten over 2000 Election to see the problem. The President is in the same position as Reagan, the elite media and Democrats wanted to talk to the USSR deal with them as equals, Reagan had one aim, the West would win and the USSR would be on the rubbish tip. In the end Reagan is seen as a great President, Bush will have to deal with Iran, being weak and cool does not get you any where in International Politics. Reagan was a great President it is time for Bush to show his colours when it comes to Iran.

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