Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Iraq and American Politics

An interesting article in the LA Times on the effect of Iraq on President Bush and Domestic Politics. The article states the following, ' the chief result of last week's report from former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and his squadron of wise men has been to corner an already weakened president by proposing a general strategy of retreat and withdrawal, while remaining maddeningly opaque about how to go about it without delivering Iraq into the hands of its many budding civil-war makers. ' The article in essence argues that the President needs to regain his authority in Washington or he will be seen as weak by the Democrats and worse abroad by America's foes. The answer is wrong, some grand partnership with Demcorats, like as the article mentions in WW2 in Britain, in that case the Labour Party was in power with Churchill. And what did the great man get for this, thrown out in the next election. George W. Bush is President of the United States and Commander in Chief, he should run his foreign policy and dare the Democrats to try and thwart his policy in Iraq. Nice does not Pay, Nixon was tough it cost but no one told him how to run foreign policy.

Iraq Study Group Report, Click for Full Report For VIEWS view see last blog.

Bush Gets Advice from State Department

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