Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Partly Right on North Korea

Views waited all of Sunday for North Korea to exploded its nuclear device, with Sunday over in the UK, Views thought the last prediction had been correct, that the test was not something for the International community to worry about, hours are a long time in Politics. On the Monday morning the news that North Korea had tested a nuclear device. Then as we enter Wednesday it seems the test was not as the Spin from North Korea had intended. An interesting article in the New York Times, ‘ The North Korean test appears to have been a nuclear detonation but was fairly small by traditional standards, and possibly a failure or a partial success, federal and private analysts said yesterday.

In a sense the above does not matter, the UN and the United States have to act as if North Korea has the bomb. This is a chance for President Bush; this could be his Cuban Missile Crisis. If possible with the backing of the UN, the USA and her allies should blockaded North Korea, check every ship, the USA should do this no matter if the UN says yes or no. President Bush can use this in the Mid Term Elections; place National Security at the heart of the debate.

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