Friday, September 08, 2006

Tony Blair 1 – Gordon Brown 0

The Prime Minister got away with it again, it looked like the Tipping Point had been reached, then Gordon Brown pulled back, he did not want to be seen as pushing Tony Blair out of 10 Downing Street for the last time. Gordon Brown showed why Tony Blair is Prime Minister and why he is the Chancellor. If you put the shoes on the other foot, I have my doubts if Tony Blair would wait for Gordon Brown to leave 10 Downing Street. I can’t see the Prince of Spin or Europe waiting a year to help his friend became PM. It has to be asked is the Labour Party more interested in form, as in gentleman conduct or winning elections. Lets go back to 1990, when Thatcher was stabbed in the back by her own Cabinet, John Major went form there to win the 1992 election. The Conservatives are more ruthless, that why they where in power for most of the 20th Century.

As Views is from Wales, one has to take in to account the Welsh Assembly, Scottish Parliament elections and the local Council elections in England. Is the Labour really about to allow itself to lose control of Scotland to a combination of the SNP and the Liberal Democrats and in Wales to the very odd combination of the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and the Party of Wales. It seems the idea is if the elections go badly then Tony Blair will take the blame and resign and the Gordon Brown takes over. It seems the Party has forgotten that the point of political Parties is to win elections not to be seen as having good form, a week in politics is a long time, if the Party had a new leader before Christmas not in May then Gordon Brown could stamp HIS authority on the Party, even perhaps one or two tax cuts for middle England. If the Labour allows this to go till May of 2007, then in some respects it has forgotten the lessons of New Labour, when old polices or politicians are in the way it is time to give them the old retirement watch. It has to be asked is Tony Blair more interested in the Labour Party or his legacy, not necessary the same thing, as he stated in his statement, he is not fan of the TUC and it is mutual. Since the news broke about the cash for Peerages mess, the Labour Party has found rich individual people who want to give the Party money very slim on the ground. Thus the TUC has become the Party’s main supplier of money again. If Gordon Brown wants a quick succession and the TUC want some power again, they need to get Tony Blair out of 10 Downing Street by Christmas or February at the latest.
But is must be admitted that Tony Blair is still the best, Gordon Brown has a lot to make up before we say Prime Minister Gordon Brown…

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