Friday, May 03, 2024

Projected House of Common AFTER UK General Election - Labour Era

Lets Get Real:

If Sky is right, then the Labour Party under Sir Keir Starmer will not have an overall majority, that is a concern but then the Liberal Democrats will give LABOUR  a supply and support motion, in other words Liberal Dems will support a Labour Budget, but will not want to go in to coalition as they will have learned from 2010.   If that does not happen there are others Parties who might support Labour just to keep the Conservative OUT.  The Party of Thatcher needs a few years in Opposition to decide what it is for and against.   The Party should think about bringing back Boris as leader if he wants the job.   One can expect Labour will make a mess of it, they usually do, the Conservatives can clear up the mess, Starmer is no Blair, and this will not be 1997 all over again.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

How the Gaza Protesters will effect the November Election in the US - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Guardian: Has an analyses of how the US Protests of Gaza will effect the November Election is the US, " 

What do the US campus protests mean for Joe Biden in November?...Thousands of students have rallied for Palestine, after hundreds of thousands of Democrats declined to vote for Biden in the primary "

Lets Get Real:

This is a smart essay from the Guardian, the Biden Base is varied at best, the Biden Oval can not afford to lose the YOUTH VOTE, what will mothers in the suburbs think if their children getting arrested or worse getting kicked out of University with those student loans to pay back with no degree after three or four years.  The article worries this could be 1968 all over again, LBJ lost the youth vote and Richard Nixon won a close race.   The Biden Oval has to place pressure on Israel not to take more action in GAZA, but also get Hamas to release the hostages it has, that could stop Israel taking action, the Biden Oval needs Gaza off the front pages and the region to go back pre 7th of October if possible.  Trump leads in the Swing States, he might get thrown in to jail with one of his Court Cases, the US and the West might get lucky.

New York Protesters arrested by NY Police over the issue of Gaza - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

The Police in the different States have taken to long to ACT, the 24/7 news networks are not helping, they think its Vietnam all over again!!  The events in Gaza per say are not in the US interest, there are no American Soldiers there, its not a US WAR.   The protesters seems to linked that is the blame of social media, my old friend Hoover would have smelled communist subversion, it could be Putin's Russia or other Axis of EVIL.   The copes in Chicago of 1968 had the right way to deal with hippies, Policemen in hard hats, taking names and arresting people.  A University is place you learn, not getting your rocks off by protesting someone's else's WAR.   The Police should ACT and FAST, read the riot act and ACT. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Trump LEADS Biden is new Poll - 2024 candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Typical of CNN to play down the result of a poll, they seem more than happy to celebrate the President performance at a reporters dinner, when you ASK REAL PEOPLE if reporters should get a slap on the back, the real answer one could not print, something like a GULAG is to good for them.  Biden cannot take re-election for granted, whatever the deluded reporters on CNN think.   Biden needs to be out in the SWING STATES, even if the secret service have to hold him straight up.  Biden should keep to a simple message, the economy is good, inflation will go down, that Trump could lead WW3, that Trump is a security threat.  The people of the Ukraine have to be supported and Trump will not do that, and Russia has to be countered around the World.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Secret Long Range Missiles to the Ukraine - Ukraine - Russia - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Administration has to get out of its down way, the Kyiv Government has been begging for these missiles for months, the Biden Oval did not want to to cause problems with Russia and create more tension, when will it learn this is the 1930s all over again, Putin is a WAR CRIMINAL, and no politician with any self respects will never shake his hand again.  Putin's Russia is like Hitler's Germany pre 1939, it is only a matter of time before it strikes a NATO Country on purpose or by accident with intent.   The Baltic States should be a worry, Putin is trying to create the former USSR or Tsarist Russia,  when Finland was a Grand Dutchy.  The Ukraine must be allowed to hit within Russia, the people of Russia have to wake up, only they can overthrow Putin and his EVIL REGIME. 

The Military Kit the US is sending to the Ukraine - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Ukraine forces in the field having growing short of ammo, the Russians just throw men at the front, its a meat grinder, the Russian Forces are using WW2 rule, if Russian Soldiers retreat they get shot, also Putin is using prisoners to throw at the Ukraine forces.   The West needs to increase the Military it to the Ukraine, Putin cannot be allowed to win, that could lead to WW3.  The Biden Administration will need more aid packages from the US Congress, well before the November election, Biden should be planning for that NOW.   There must be no restrictions on the Ukraine when it comes to fighting this WAR, the Kyiv Government should be allowed to use long range missiles and to hit Russia.   This would shock the Russian people and Putin.  Today is a god day for the Ukraine, there need to be more good days.

US Sending 1 billion military aid to the Ukraine - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The aid from the US had taken months, the Trump wing of the Republican Party has bought the Russian line, and therefore does not want to spend a penny on the Ukraine and its WAR with Russia.   The Russian Forces have made gradual advances in the East of the Ukraine, taking back villages and towns that it lost to the Ukraine at the start of the WAR.   There is an expectation of a Russian offensive in May of this year, the new US aid is expected to arrive within this week.   The Russians have increased missile attacks on the Cities of the Ukraine, and have hit Odesa hard.  Kyiv Government was asking for the same defence at Israel has with the Western ALLIES, the UK is sending 500 million to the Ukraine, the Ukraine has to be defended against Russian aggression.   This is the 1930s  all over again.